졸업하신 선배님들을 소개합니다
Jiyoung Jwahk (곽지영)
Email: kjy@postech.ac.kr
(1999) A Methodology for Evaluating the Usability of Audiovisual Consumer Electronic Products
Sang W. Hong (홍상우)
Email: sanghong@sktelecom.com
(2005) A Methodology for Modeling and Analyzing User Affective Satisfaction toward Consumer Electronic Products
Hui Chul Yang (양희철)
Email: huichul.yang@samsung.com
(2005) A Methodology for Developing Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) User Interface Metaphor
Jungchul Park (박정철)
Email: jcpark@cjnu.ac.kr
(2007) Collaborative Menus: Menu Adaptation Strategies for Mobile Devices
Jongseo Kim (김종서)
Email: jongseo76.kim@samsung.com
(2007) A Methodology for Developing a Usability Index of Consumer Electronic Products
Yong S. Park (박용성)
Email: drastle@postech.ac.kr
(2009) User Interface Design for One-handed Touch Interaction with Mobile Devices
Wonkyu Park (박원규)
Email: p09plus1@postech.ac.kr
(2012) A Multi-Touch Gesture Vocabulary Design Methodology for Mobile Devices
Jaemin Chun (천재민)
Email: wednez@postech.ac.kr
(2013) Recognizing and Memorizing Single-tone Vibration using Composite Tactile Attributes
Jaehyun Park (박재현)
Email: parkdog3@postech.ac.kr
(2013) User Value of a Smartphone: Definition and Evaluation Methodology
Eunjung Choi (최은정)
Email: lovecej@postech.ac.kr
(2015) Development of a Notation Method for Hand Gesture Vocabularies based on a 3D Free Hand Gesture Taxonomy
Chung Sik Kim (김충식)
Email: hahapius@postech.ac.kr
(2015) Development of hip joint and eye location prediction models by incorporating driving posture strategies
Heejin Kim (김희진)
Email: gimigimi@postech.ac.kr
(2015) Motion-Display Gain: A New Control-Display Mapping Reflecting Natural Human Motion Enhance Interaction with Large Displays
Hyun K. Kim (김현경)
Email: emokubi@postech.ac.kr
(2015) Definition and Classification Framework of IT Interaction Disability
Heekyung Moon (문희경)
Email: gomsak@postech.ac.kr
(2016) A Creative Idea Generation Methodology for User Experience Innovation through Future Envisioning
Bora Kang (강보라)
Email: purple31@postech.ac.kr
(2017) Designing Effective Sound Feedback for Continuous Gesture Interaction in Path-following Tasks
Joohwan Park (박주환)
Email: pkjhwan@postech.ac.kr
(2018) Development of an Evaluation Model for the Usefulness of Smartphone Application Functions
Kyudong Park (박규동)
Email: kdpark@postech.ac.kr
(2018) Modeling the Driving Experience of Shared Steering Control for Lane Keeping
Young In Koh (고영인)
Email: theophila@postech.ac.kr
(2023) Modeling Personal Data Disclosure on Blockchain-Based Service with the Conjoint Method of Blockchain Properties
Mingyu Lee (이민규)
Email: mk3215s2@postech.ac.kr
(2020) Development of an Evaluation Model of Perceived-Intelligence on Intelligent Services
Dawoon Jeong (정다운)
Email : jdw0303@postech.ac.kr
(2023) A User Experience Framework for Evaluating Sensory Effects in Mulsemedia - Focused on Motion Effects
Dongyeong Jeong (정동영)
Email: comnet924@postech.ac.kr
(2022) Investigating Congruent Motion Effects with Visual Scenes in 4D Content
Hyeji Jang (장혜지)
Email: wdfokj@postech.ac.kr
(2022) Development of a model for evaluating perceived trust and intention to use of cryptocurrency wallets
Pilsung Choe (최필성)
Email: pchoe@purdue.edu
(1995) Guidelines for presenting proper local maps on a hypertext
Mi-Jeong Kim (김미정)
Email: mjkim01@sktelecom.com
(1996) Classification of human factors design variables for the user interface of multimedia information retrieval systems
Maeng-Ki Song (송맹기)
Email: mksong@ket.com
(1996) Development of a system for analyzing the data obtained by magnitude estimation
Seung-Mu Yu (유승무)
Email: koreafp@naver.com
(1996) Design of the Menu on a Multi-line Display
Byung-Ju Kim (김병주)
Email: doshdi@hotmail.com
(1997) A Systematic Methodology for the User Interface Requirement Analysis
Hong-Jun Eoh (어홍준)
Email: mulgogi@snu.ac.kr
(1997) Design of a VDT-based Operator Interface for a Process Control Room
Bumsu Kim (김범수)
Email: bskim@nemopartners.com
(1998) A Usability Evaluation Method for the User Interface Speaker Independent Speech Recognition Systems
Kyungsoo Park (박경수)
Email: finalsky@korea.com
(1999) A Method for Evaluating the Reality of a Virtual Reality System
Won-seok Chang (장원석)
Email: won.s.jang@samsung.com
(1999) Comparison of Usability Prediction Models: Differences and Similarities of the Models Based on the Brand Image Exposure
Minhaeng Cho (조민행)
Email: jodie75@dreamwiz.com
(2001) Usability Evaluation of the Dynamic Menu on a Small Display Screen
Jinpyou Cho (조진표)
(2001) Development of a Usability Evaluation Method for Web Page Design
Donggwan Im (임동관)
Email: dgim@lge.com
(2004) Effective information presentation methods for different road densities in an in-vehicle navigation systems
Taekyoung Kim (김태경)
Email: esthert@hanmail.net
(2004) Usability Evaluations on PDA Operating Systems
Taehun Kim (김태훈)
Email: nandabari@lge.com
(2005) Usability evaluation of methods for presenting internet search results in a mobile phone
Jongmin Baek (백종민)
Email: beck@sktelecom.com
(2005) Design of a Navigation Aid for Searching Menu Items on a Cellular Phone
Sungjin Kang (강성진)
Email: novastom@postech.ac.kr
(2009) Usability Evaluation of Menu Structures on an Touch Screen Mobile Phone with Screen-based Menu Navigation
Hyunsuk Im (임현숙)
Email: imyang@postech.ac.kr
(2008) A Method for Searching Photos on a Mobile Phone by Using the Fisheye Technique
Subin Jang (장수빈)
Email: jjangsubin@postech.ac.kr
(2021) Encouraging Social Relationships: Effect of Non-Verbal Cues in Voice User Interface
Seunghwan Oh (오승환)
Email: shcjz21@postech.ac.kr
(2013) A comparison of usability evaluation methods: A case study on a camera application for visually impaired people
Wansun Shin (신완선)
Email: sunnyshin@postech.ac.kr
(2023) The Effects of Chair Movement and Audiences’ Empathy on Emotional Experiences in 4D Contents
Hanul Bang (방한울)
Email: hanul89@postech.ac.kr
(2015) The Effect of TTS’s Rate and Pitch on Listening Comprehension and Affect: for Total Blindness
Beomyoung Jeong (정범영)
Email : beomyoung@postech.ac.kr
(2024) User Experience with Conversational Agents that Understand Conversation Contexts
Haewoo Kang (강해우)
Email: woong918@postech.ac.kr
(2021) Effects of Response Time and Auditory Feedback in Speech Interaction with Smart Speakers